Motherhood The toughest most rewarding job in the world! On May...

The toughest most rewarding job in the world! On May 11th we will celebrate Mom’s everywhere on Festa della Mamma (Mother’s Day). Creating a special day for Mom is the focus from eating out to flowers to special cards and poems and, in Italy, it often includes a heart shaped cake. Unofficially, Mother’s Day in Italy began with celebrations of the Roman goddess of marriage and motherhood, Juno, meaning vital force - quite appropriate for Italian mammas. We all know incredible moms whether they are our children, our mothers, grandmothers, friends who are mothers etc. We want to hear about your favorite mom and why she holds this place in your heart. The subject of the best submission will receive the gift above as a surprise for Mother’s Day and we will share her story along with a picture of her and her gift(if you send one) on Monday the 12th here and on our facebook page. More details on submission coming soon at